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Invesco became a major strategic partner in July 2019 to help shape our programme of work through sponsorship, the contribution of its deep industry expertise and insights, and by helping the programme to reach a wider audience.
BlackRock is a global investment manager serving the UK market for more than 30 years with a purpose to help more and more people experience financial well-being. BlackRock’s Emergency Savings Initiative is made possible through philanthropic support from The BlackRock Foundation. The initiative brings together partner companies and non-profit financial health experts to make saving easier and more accessible for low- and moderate-income earners across the US and UK, ultimately helping more people to establish an important financial safety net.
We've partnered with the Policy Institute at Kings College to create a PHD studentship in public policy and behavioural science.
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We're working with MICRA to look at the issue of pensions for precarious workers.
Salary Finance are the fintech provider for our sidecar trial, providing technology to join up payroll, pensions and savings accounts.
Visit partner siteWe're working with IPR, University of Bath, to video interview key decision makers involved in the UK pension reforms.
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We formed a partnership with Aspen FSP to gain in-depth insights into how the UK and US retirement systems can be improved for low to moderate earners.
LGIM support our research into whether communicating with pension savers about the impact of their investments makes them more likely to engage with their account.
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With a legacy dating back more than 200 years, JPMorganChase has a track record of demonstrating leadership during times of both economic growth and financial instability. The firm employs approximately 22,000 employees throughout the U.K. and is committed to operating a healthy and vibrant company that plays a leading role in advancing a sustainable and inclusive economy. The firm provides £474 billion in credit and capital to nearly 4,500 medium and large companies and supports over two million retail customers. At the same time, together with its non-profit partners the firm has supported over 33,000 low income households reduce their debt and improve their financial health, helped over 10,800 small businesses to grow their activity and placed over 9,000 individuals into apprenticeships or full and part-time employment.
We're working with the DWP to develop trials aimed at establishing what works to make retirement saving easier for self-employed people.
The Money and Pensions Service (MaPS) is supporting our emergency savings research programme and working with us to conduct the research. MaPS is also a supporter of our Real Accounts programme.
We're working with Maastricht University to deliver a wide-ranging research programme into the drivers of engagement in pensions.
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We’re working with experts from Warwick Business School to understand the interactions between auto enrolment and wages, savings and debt.
We’re working with Wagestream to trial opt-out payroll savings approaches in UK workplaces.
The Aviva Foundation are supporting the initial phase of the Real Accounts project – a long-term study of UK households’ financial lives.
The Nuffield Foundation is funding work exploring the interactions between pension auto enrolment and other types of saving.
Please note: the views expressed are those of the authors and not necessarily of the Foundation.
We’re working with experts from CPFW on the Real Accounts project – a long term study of UK households’ financial lives.
We’re working with the Co-operative Group to trial an opt-out approach to payroll saving.
We’re working with Experian to understand the interactions between auto enrolment and debt.
We’re working with experts from the Yunus Centre for Social Business and Health on the Real Accounts project – a long term study of UK households’ financial lives.
We’re working with Understanding Society to share anonymised Nest data in an ethical, well-governed way so researchers can better understand the interactions between different aspects of household finances.
Together with experts at Moneyhub we’ve designed a data collection app to capture real-time income and expenditure data for participants taking part in the Real Accounts project.
We’re working with SUEZ recycling and recovery UK to trial an opt-out approach to payroll saving.
We’re working with TransaveUK to trial an opt-out approach to payroll saving with employees at SUEZ recycling and recovery UK.
We’re working with experts from the University of Nottingham to understand the dynamics of household finances.
Phoenix Insights is supporting our work on pensions adequacy and the household balance sheet.
We’re working with Bupa Care Services to trial an opt-out approach to payroll saving.
Fair4All Finance supported an extension phase of the Real Accounts project – a long-term study of UK households’ financial lives.
Nest was set up by the government to give every UK worker somewhere good to save, and it aims to provide members with a bigger pension in a better world. It’s now the largest workplace pension scheme in the country, with 13.7 million members. One in three of the working population is expected to have a Nest pension pot by the late 2020s. Nest’s members benefit from an award-winning responsible investment strategy and one of the most diversified DC portfolios in the industry. By the end of the next decade Nest will have close to £100bn assets under management. In 2016, Nest established Nest Insight as a public benefit research and innovation centre. Nest’s purpose is financial peace of mind for all, and Nest is a proud supporter and the home of Nest Insight.
abrdn Financial Fairness Trust funds research, policy work and campaigning activities to tackle financial problems and improve living standards for people on low-to-middle incomes in the UK. It is an independent charitable trust registered in Scotland (SC040877).
Fair4All Finance supported an extension phase of the Real Accounts project – a long-term study of UK households’ financial lives.